Community Policy


We promote and contribute to the social and economic development of sustainable communities associated with our operations. 


  • Promote the development of local economies away from the petroleum sector to ensure that the benefits derived by the community from our activities endure beyond the lifetime of the project
  • Identify the communities and other stakeholders associated with our operations and engage with them in a transparent manner as early as possible and throughout the life cycle of our operations in order to establish long-term relationships based on mutual benefit and active participation
  • Work with all relevant stakeholders including governments, regional and local administrations, community representatives, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations and other interested parties to develop and support projects that benefit the communities associated with our projects
  • Respect the culture, customs, interests and rights of communities, including indigenous peoples and vulnerable or previously disadvantaged groups
  • Contribute a proportion of Group profit each year to fund development projects that benefit the communities associated with our operations, particularly those located in remote areas or in regions with a lower level of social and economic development and infrastructure
  • Work to minimise any adverse impacts of our operations on the communities in which we operate
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